The first day of autumn is now behind us. Days are getting shorter; nights are getting longer, cooler, and crisper; and it won’t be long before leaves begin to fall, full tilt. Now is a great time to take a look at the trees and other plants surrounding your home deck. Any overhanging branches can contribute to falling leaves that soon clutter the surface of your deck. Left untreated, they can contribute to lasting damage and costly repairs. Here are just three things to look out for:

  1. Moisture monsters: Fall leaves are a brilliantly beautiful and colorful sign of the season. However, left littering your deck, they can soak up rainfall and transform into a goopy, swampy breeding ground for bacteria, fungus, mold, and more. These contaminants can wreak havoc on your wooden deck while posing a safety hazard for your family and guests.
  2. Creepy crawlies: Decaying piles of leaves, no matter how small, can create an appealing hovel for many pests, including mice and insects. These creatures can chew through the floorboards of your deck, while their waste matter can cause a slew of other problems.
  3. Snow foolin’: When winter arrives and snow begins to fall, any uncleared leaves will be blanketed. The combined weight of layers of snow and debris could cause your deck floorboards to deteriorate and buckle, causing leaks and – ultimately – breakdown.

Regularly clearing your home deck of fall leaves and debris is a key component of protecting it against preventable long-term moisture damage. While sweeping your deck surface this fall, it is important to consider additional measures that can defend your decking investment. Keeping your home deck safe from moisture damage and leaks is the number one priority of DEK Drain®. Our proprietary water diversion systems protect your decking and frames while delivering dry, functional – and customizable – space underneath. Optimize your home deck year-round with just one call to 1-866-DEK-DRAIN.

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