If you’re thinking that it would be great to have a roof under your deck to shelter the area below, remember that the primary function of a roof is to protect the space underneath from rain and snow. A leaky roof is of little use. That’s why you’ll want to choose the best water diversion system to protect your under deck area. And that’s one of the many reasons to turn to DEK Drain® when you’re looking for a water diversion system that will help you enjoy the use of extra space under your deck.

The specially formulated rubber membrane material used in our deck drainage systems will outlast and outperform the plastic and metal typically used in other deck protection systems, especially when it comes to providing a secure, long-lasting solution. The properties of rubber, including its ability to remain flexible even in extremely cold weather, make it the best choice for a roof under your deck, no matter where you live in the United States or Canada. Unlike plastic, rubber won’t crack when the temperatures drop below freezing. And unlike metal, it won’t corrode and weaken after years of harsh exposure, especially exposure to saltwater.

Whether you have an existing deck or a deck under construction, DEK Drain® has a deck drainage system that will work for you. When you have the protection of an under deck roof, the possibilities for using the space underneath are unlimited. Here are some of the benefits that homeowners can enjoy:

  • Extra outdoor living space that provides a dry, shady area for sitting outside in quiet contemplation or a sheltered place to set up a refreshment table when you’re entertaining guests outdoors
  • A dry, shaded storage space under your deck for lawn care equipment, patio furniture and other items that often take up valuable square footage space in your garage
  • Protection against soil erosion under your deck, which can, over time, threaten the structural integrity of your deck supporting posts or even your home’s foundation

For more information about the advantages of choosing DEK Drain® when you want a protective roof under your deck, contact us today. We’ll be happy to help you select the DEK Drain® system that will work best for you.

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